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In 2004, our scientists isolated epithelial and mesenchymal stem cells from the umbilical cord lining membrane. This novel and significant discovery was put up for intellectual property protection, and to date we have patents granted in multiple strategic key territories around the world.
The umbilical cord lining membrane is now known to be the richest source of stem cells in the body, and both epithelial and mesenchymal stem cells are being researched intensively with collaborators all around the world to exploit their potential for downstream medical therapy. Considerable headway has already been achieved, and we are due shortly to start USFDA Clinical Trials with our collaborators in the USA, leading to a therapy to accelerate wound healing.
Our extensive experience with Cord Lining Stem Cells has taught us much, and we have been able to utilise this knowledge to produce the ground breaking cosmeceutical line called CALECIM® which has been observed to improve the skin appearance after topical application.
Stay ahead of the curve with the latest developments in stem cell skin and hair care. Great discounts and sampling programs to be enjoyed too.
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