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Here you will find the answers to all your questions and concerns you may have regarding CALECIM® Professional
Brand & Science
What is CALECIM® ?
CALECIM® Stands for Cord Lining Conditioned Media. This is also referred to as Rejuvenating Conditioned Media.

This is the proprietary active ingredient found in all CALECIM® Professional products.

It is a balanced mix of proteins (Growth Factors, Cytokines, Peptides & Extracellular Matrix) naturally secreted by Umbilical Cord Lining Stem Cells.

Are there Stem Cells in CALECIM® products?
No, there are no stem cells in the products.

CALECIM® is just the proteins derived from Cord Lining Stem Cells.

The reasons for this are:

  • Firstly if you put a stem cell in a cosmetic it would die immediately.

  • Secondly you cannot have any cells or DNA in cosmetic products.

  • It was shown during the development of CRC’s potential wound healing drug that the proteins secreted by these cells can promote healing of chronic wounds and have potential cosmetic applications.

  • As such these proteins have been harvested and are used as the active ingredient in CALECIM® products.

What are the Effects of Rejuvenating Conditioned Media?
In-Vitro Rejuvenating Conditioned Media has been shown to:

  • Increase Skin Cell Proliferation

  • Increase Epidermal Thickness & Dermal Fullness

  • Increase Skin Cell Mobility (assist in healing)

  • Increase Fibroblasts Expression of glycoproteins

Are the stem cells used from humans?
No human stem cells are used in the production of CALECIM®.

This is because you can only use human derived ingredients in cosmetics in the USA, Japan & Hong Kong.

Ingredients of Human Origin are No.416 on the EU Commission banned ingredient list.

CALECIM® is sold globally and as such we need to use a different Mammalian source. This source is Red Deer.
Why are red deer stem cells used?
Firstly there has never been any zoonosis (transfer of disease between species) from Red Deer to Human. Examples would be Mad Cow Disease or BSE and Scrapie from Sheep.

Secondly they are farmed in New Zealand which has very strict animal welfare laws as agriculture makes up a large part of the country's economy.

They are farmed for the velvet that grows and sheds seasonally on their horns. This is often used in Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Are the products medical devices?
All products thus far in the CALECIM® Professional line are cosmetics.

All of the products in the line are intended for topical application on the skin.
What are the ingredients of your products?
Active Ingredients found in CALECIM® Professional products:

  • Soluble collagen: Provides skin with strength, shape and form

  • Albumin: Required for skin turgor and fullness

  • Fibronectin: Binds to collagen, increasing its strength

  • Hyaluronic Acid: Binds to water molecules to plump up the skin

  • Consolidated Peptides or Glycoproteins: Plays important role in signaling between cells (intercellular crosstalk)

Are any animals or humans hurt or tested while producing your products?
Our stem cells are ethically derived with no harm to humans or animals.
What is umbilical cord lining?
Cord lining, cord tissue, or umbilical cord lining membrane, is the outermost layer of the umbilical cord. As the umbilical cord itself is an extension of the placenta, the umbilical cord lining membrane is an extension of the amniotic membrane covering the placenta. The umbilical cord lining membrane comprises two layers: the amniotic (or epithelial) layer and the sub-amniotic (or mesenchymal) layer. The umbilical cord lining membrane is a rich source of two strains of stem cells (CLSCs): epithelial stem cells (from the amniotic layer) (CLECs) and mesenchymal stem cells (from the sub-amniotic layer) (CLMCs).
Can red deer stem cell derived proteins work on human skin?
Yes they do. All Mammals share a similar homology and as such their stem cells produce very similar proteins.
How are red deer umbilical cord lining stem cells harvested?
The umbilical cord is harvested during birth by a vet without any harm to the doe or fawn. It is cryopreserved and sent to our lab in Singapore for stem cell extraction. The stem cells are then placed in a conditioned media where they secrete hundreds of proteins, growth factors and cytokines. We then remove the cells (as you cannot have any cellular tissue or DNA in a cosmetic product) and we are left with a potent mixture of stem cell derived proteins, which makes up the active ingredient of CALECIM®.
What do proteins do and how do they help the skin?

  • Migrate towards each other, effectively healing wounds.

  • Build the skin’s structural layer to improve fullness and skin density

  • Improve skin cell turnover, so that old skin cells are shed, revealing radiant, young skin.

  • Increase skins production of glycoproteins (e.g. HA & Elastin)

  • Specific Proteins and their action purpose: read more.

How many proteins are there in CALECIM products?
There are over 3000 Proteins (that we are aware of). Current science can only measure within a certain molecular weight and as such there may be many more present.
What other sources of Stem Cells are there and how do they compare?
Cord Lining Bone Marrow Placenta Wharton's Jelly Adipose (Fat) Skin
Non Invasive Yes No Yes Yes No No
Easy Processing No No No No No No
High Yield Extreme No No No No No
Mesenchymal Stem Cells Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Epithelial Stem Cells Yes No Yes No No Yes
Foetal Derived Yes No Mixed Yes No No
Stem Cell Type Infant Adult Mixed Infant Adult Adult
Express HLA-E and HLA-G Yes No Yes No No No
Professional Serum
What is CALECIM® Serum?
CALECIM® Serum is an 80% concentration of Cord Lining Conditioned Media, nearly 20% hyaluronic acid with the remaining amount being 1,2-hexanediol.

It is meant for application following aesthetic treatments in clinic and at home following aesthetic treatments.

It can also be used as the base layer of your skincare routine.
What does CALECIM® Serum do?

  • Improves aesthetic results of treatments. 9,10,11

  • Significantly reduces downtime of treatments, by upto 50%*. 11,12,13

  • When used post-procedure, it reduces redness, swelling & discomfort. 12,13

Why is CALECIM® Serum pink?
The pink colouration is a PH indicator that is used during cell culture to show if there is any contamination.

If contaminated the product will change colour to a yellow or orange colour, it will also become slightly cloudy.

If the product does change colour do not apply it, please return it to Calecim Cosmeceuticals for a replacement. Please contact your Menarini representative in your country.
What is the smell?
CALECIM® Serum has a unique scent that can be unappealing to some people.

There is no scent added to the product as fragrances are one of the most common causes of contact dermatitis (or allergic reaction) in skincare products.14 Particularly when applied post procedure.

The smell is actually due to the high stem cell derived protein concentration in the product. So it smells a bit like protein.
Why does it sometimes have a slight tingling or stinging sensation on application?
There are 2 reasons why there is occasionally a slight tingling or stinging sensation on application:

  • A lot of aesthetic treatments will severely dehydrate the skin – application of any moisture will bring about this sensation.

  • CALECIM® Serum is very slightly alkaline (about 8 PH) and Skin is mildly acidic (4.7-5.7 PH) which is also why some patients may experience a slight tingling/stinging sensation. This sensation subsides quickly.

When and how do I apply Serum?
CALECIM® Serum should be applied in clinic immediately following facial rejuvenation procedures.

  • Apply a few drops at a time and with gloved hands gently massage in a circular motion onto the treated area.

  • Occasionally take 2 to 3 fingers and press lightly (the amount of pressure that you would apply to a small cut) to assist in the absorption of the Serum.

  • Patients will then take home remaining Serum. They are to apply it morning and evening after cleansing.

  • The patient can apply a few drops at a time and with clean hands gently massage in a circular motion onto the treated area.

How much CALECIM® Serum should i apply with each treatment?
There are various different devices and treatments within clinics and many of
these have multiple settings.

We recommend usage based on expected downtime of the treatment. Please see the
table below for a rough guideline on how much Serum should be applied with a

Ablation/Downtime Recommended Usage Example Treatments

No ablation to Minimal Ablation (less than 24 hours expected downtime)

Half Ampoule (2.5ml) in clinic remaining Half (2.5ml) taken home,
1.25mlused evening of treatment and 1.25ml the following morning.

0.5mm Microneedling, Level 1 or 2 Chemical Peels, Pulse Dye
Laser,Alexandrite Laser,
Moderate Ablation (24 hours - 72 hours expected downtime)
1 Ampoule (5ml) applied in clinic, 1 Ampoule (5ml) taken home.
1.25mlapplied that evening, 1.25ml applied the next morning, 1.25ml
appliedthe next evening and finally 1.25ml applied the following

1mm - 2mm Microneedling, Level 3 or 4 Chemical Peels,
High Ablation (72 Hours +)
1 Ampoule (5ml) applied in the clinic, then the patient takes home
2Ampoules (total 10ml) 1.25ml applied morning and evening until all
Serumis finished. TOTAL 3 AMPOULES

2mm< Microneedling, CO2 Laser Resurfacing, Erbium Glass
laser,Dermabrasion, ND YAG Laser

Are there any treatments to avoid using CALECIM® Serum with?
CALECIM® Serum should not be used with a high powered oxygen facial device - this causes the proteins to be denatured and the product will not work.

CALECIM® Serum should not be applied on top of any chemical peels that are not neutralised - this causes the proteins to be denatured and the product will not work.

CALECIM® Serum should not be injected into the skin.
Multi-Action Cream
What is Multi-Action Cream?
A Corrective Treatment Cream.

Multi-Action Cream is a 50% concentration of Cord Lining Conditioned Media, the remaining 50% is preservative and a transepidermal delivery system*.

Multi-Action cream is applied topically morning and evening after cleansing and toning, and before any moisturiser.
What does Multi-Action Cream do?
Creates a lifting and tightening effect on sagging skin with results apparent in the eye area, jawline and cheekbones. Nasolabial folds are improved.15,5

Skin is more full with improved elasticity.15,7

Facial contours are improved with enhanced facial definition.15,16,5
Who is the ideal patient for Multi-Action Cream?
Multi-Action Cream is a powerful anti-ageing skin cream. 15,16 Created for skin types showing significant signs of aging such as:

  • Skin Laxity

  • Loss of Facial Contours

  • Diminished Skin Fullness

  • Deep Wrinkles and Folds

Patients with active acne should not use Multi-Action Cream, due to the increased skin cell turnover from the product.
How do you apply Multi-Action Cream?
Multi-Action Cream should be applied morning and evening after cleansing and toning.

Distribute small amounts over the face lightly pat into the skin. Apply up to hairline, and extend down to neck and décolleté.

If applying CALECIM® Serum daily apply this first followed by Multi-Action Cream, a moisturiser can be applied over the top followed by sunscreen. If Serum is not being used apply Multi-Action Cream before any other products.
Is the Multi-Action Cream a moisturizer?
No, Multi-Action cream is a corrective treatment cream.

It is recommended to apply a moisturiser over the top of Multi-Action Cream, unless you already have an oily skin type.

Restorative Hydration Cream can be applied as a moisturiser.
Can Multi-Action Cream be used post-procedure?
Multi-Action Cream can be applied once the skin has normalised or re-epithelialized after an aesthetic procedure or treatment.

It should not be applied immediately post procedure like CALECIM® Serum.
Recovery Night Complex
What is Recovery Night Complex?
Overnight protective gel mask.

50% concentration of the Cord lining Conditioned Media
What does Recovery Night Complex do?
Reduces post procedure discomfort, redness and swelling

Provides through the night comfort for distressed skin

Keeps skin hydrated and protected with breathable gel barrier

Coats skin with layer of healing stem cell proteins
Who is the ideal patient for Recovery Night Complex?

  • Post Procedure patients

  • Patients suffering from Sun exposure i.e. sunburn

  • Patients seeking an overnight cooling mask

How do you apply Recovery Night Complex?
Gel is applied directly to the face and can be left on overnight to then be washed off.
Can Recovery Night Complex be used Post Procedure?
Yes, although depending on how ablative the procedure may be it may be worthwhile to give a day or 2 before applying.
Advanced Hair System
How will this help to reduce my hair loss?
There are 3 key ways this product targets hair loss:

  • Reintroducing youthful messaging signals into the scalp to increase the adjective phase of hair growth (anagen) and reduce the inactive phases of hair growth (Catagen and Telogen)

  • Reducing the presence of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-Alpha by up to 30x

  • Increasing the presence of Dermal Papilla cells by up to 26%

Are there any side effects when using this product?
To date we have seen no cases of any side effects as have been shown to be an issue with alternative Hair loss treatments such as Minoxidil & Finasteride. This product also works for both Male and Female patients.
How do I apply this product in-clinic?

  • Disinfect scalp with 0.5% Chlorhexidine.

  • Apply 2.5ml of CALECIM® AHS and needle into the treatment area using a derma stamp with 0.5mm – 2mm long microneedles.

  • Apply an additional 1.5ml CALECIM® AHS following the derma stamp treatment and gently rub into the scalp.

  • Patient takes home remaining 1ml of CALECIM® AHS to be applied periodically over the next day.

  • Advise patients not to wash their hair following the treatment for at least 24 hours and optimally 48 hours.

  • This is to be performed once per week for a minimum of 6 weeks

  • Check up at 3 months and 6 months post treatment

  • Maintenance programme includes 1 box of AHS with Derma Stamp and alcohol swabs to be applied on self once per week for 3 months

How do I apply this product when using at home?

  • Take 0.5mm Derma Stamp and dab in alcohol swab

  • Apply a few drops to the scalp and stamp into the treatment area twice per week

  • Perform this for 6 weeks

  • Maintenance programme is then to perform the same as above but using slightly less per treatment once per week for 3 months

Do I have to continuously use this product?
As with any skincare treatment we are never going to be able to restore a healthy hair growth cycle for the rest of our life after just one treatment.

We recommend continuous check ups with the clinic ideally one every 3-6 months once the treatment course has been completed.

After the full course is completed we monitor the progress and then assess the needs for us to have the treatment again. It might be instead of doing 6 weeks we instead do 1-2 or even none. This is why it is important to keep in constant communication with the clinic.
Can I dye my hair whilst undergoing treatment?
During a treatment course we recommend people do not dye the hair as it may affect the result of the treatment.
Restorative Hydration Cream
What is Restorative Hydration Cream?
Restorative Hydration Cream is for Optimal Hydration of the Skin.

It has a 40% concentration of Rejuvenating Conditioned Media.

It also contains:

  • Aloe Vera & Stem Cell derived Hyaluronic Acid for hydration.

  • Tocopherol & Glycerin to reduce trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL).

  • Grape fruit extract is added for Scent.

What does Restorative Hydration Cream do?

  • Plumps skin with deep hydration.

  • Improves radiance and glow of skin.

  • Improves texture of skin with refinement of fine lines.

  • Improves shadows on the face, especially under eyes.

Who is the ideal patient for Restorative Hydration Cream?
Restorative Hydration Cream is used for Optimal Hydration. Created for all skin types that would benefit from deep hydration.

Patients with active acne should not use Restorative Hydration Cream, due to the increased skin cell turnover from the product.
How do you apply Restorative Hydration Cream?
Restorative Hydration Cream should be applied morning and evening after cleansing, toning and application of corrective creams.

Distribute small amounts over the face lightly pat into the skin. Apply up to hairline, and extend down to neck and décolleté.

If applying CALECIM® Serum daily apply this first followed by Multi-Action Cream, Restorative Hydration Cream and then sunscreen. If Serum and/or Multi-Action Cream is not being used apply Restorative Hydration Cream before any other products.
Can Restorative Hydration Cream be used Post Procedure?
Restorative Hydration Cream can be applied once the skin has normalised or re-epithelialized after an aesthetic procedure or treatment.

It should not be applied immediately post procedure like CALECIM® Serum.
Professional Pigment Solution
Does this product contain any harsh active ingredients?
This product does not contain any harsh active ingredients such as hydroquinone. It is therefore safe to be used on pregnant and/or breast feeding women and can be used after an in-clinic treatment
What other ingredients are contained within this product?
On top of the concentrated version of PTT-6® targeted towards treating Pigmentation, this product contains the following ingredients:

  • AA-(Clear)2

  • Glutathione

  • Alpha Arbutin

  • Linoleic Acid

  • 4-n Butylrescorcinol

  • Tranexamic Acid

  • Niacinamide

  • Sodium Ascorbyl Phosphate

Can this product be used alongside an in-clinic treatment?
Yes. As this product contains no harsh active ingredients it can be used alongside in-clinic treatments.
How is this product to be applied?
This product is to be applied AM & PM before treatment creams and moisturizers but after any serums. We also encourage patients to, as always, apply sunscreen every 2-3 hours when outdoors.
Does this product only work on the face?
This product can also be used on any sun-exposed areas such as the chest and shoulders of a patient given there are no harsh active ingredients.
Eye Contour Lifting Cream
How will this benefit my aging eyes?

  • It helps to strengthen the skin around the eyes so it can maintain form and shape to support the eyes.

  • It helps to accelerate the skin cycle and maintaining youthful skin renewal to reduce fine lines and crepiness

  • It helps to increase circulation around the eyes and address discolouration issues so that the eye area appears more radiant with reduction of under eye darkness and puffiness.

What are the ingredients included in this product?
The key ingredients found in this product are PTT-6®, Guarana Extract, Hesperidin Methyl Chalcone and other Lipopeptides, Matrikines, Fruit Acids, Cucumis Sativus and Niacinamide.
What indications are there for this product?

  • Lift and tighten skin around the eye

  • Maintains and improves eye shape and contours

  • Reduces the appearance of crow’s feet, wrinkles and skin crepiness

  • Improves the look of dark circles and puffiness

  • Immediately enhances radiance around the eyes

  • Smoothes, moisturizes and restores dry, aging skin around the eye

How and when do I apply this product?

  • Around the eye area, on the upper and lower eyelids, extending right up to the temples to allow the formulation to work on strengthening the area of fragile skin responsible for providing shape and contour to the eyes

  • Apply morning and evening

  • Apply after cleansing, toning and treatment cream (Multi-Action) as well as before your moisturizer (Restorative Hydration Cream)

When will I start to see results?
You’ll start to see results around day 35 and optimal results will come through by day 90.