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CALECIM® Professional Serum: To Improve Healing Post-Plasma Treatments for Non-Surgical Blepharoplasty

Dr. Shirin Lakhani

Dr S. Lakhani

Elite Aesthetics, Kent, United Kingdom

CALECIM® Professional Serum: To Improve Healing Post-Plasma Treatments for Non-Surgical Blepharoplasty


Since 2014, Plasma treatments have been gaining popularity in the U.K. for the treatment of excess skin, static rhytids and benign skin lesions. However, a major drawback of the treatment is the extensive downtime. Patients are left with an unsightly crust and oedema which can persist for 7-10 days, following which they experience erythema which can persist for three months or longer. The erythema is a limiting factor as to when re-treatment can occur.
CALECIM® Professional Serum is a novel serum containing secreted proteins and exosomes derived from umbilical cord lining stem cells, which has shown great results in post aesthetic treatment applications.


A clinical observational study was carried out on patients who were undergoing plasma non- surgical blepharoplasty treatments at Elite Aesthetics. Patients agreed to apply CALECIM® Professional Serum to their left eyelids immediately following treatment and twice a day followed by the application of Oxygenetix post procedure foundation. This was continued until all the crust had fallen off. The right eye was treated with the standard post treatment protocol of twice daily Oxygenetix post procedure foundation alone. A total of six patients participated in the study. Patients provided daily feedback via text/email. They were reviewed face to face at day 7 and week 6 post treatment. Further follow up was to be carried out depending on the results at week 6.


100% of the patients reported
The serum side was:
  • Less swollen
  • More comfortable
  • Less irritated
  • Crust dried quicker
  • Crust separated and fell off quicker


CALECIM® Professional Serum significantly reduces the downtime associated with plasma resurfacing treatment, by reducing the duration of crusting, the extent of oedema and the post treatment erythema.
As a result of my observational study, I created a new post-plasma protocol incorporating CALECIM® Professional Serum. With the significant reduction in downtime and patient discomfort, I have also been able to introduce more aggressive full face plasma resurfacing treatments.
Patient’s right side - Plasma treatment alone / patient’s left side - Plasma treatment and CALECIM® Professional Serum
Patient’s right side - Plasma treatment alone / patient’s left side - Plasma treatment and CALECIM® Professional Serum
Conclusion - Average duration of Crusting and Average time for Erythema to subside